Ella Brouard

Ella Brouard is a lifestyle and entertainment reporter at The Sarnian, where she works alongside Tony Ozanne. At times, the demands of the paper mean that she has to move away from these sections and work on hard news instead.

She went to school with Oliver Carey and so has known him for much of her life, and now that he’s come back to the island following his relationship break-up she is keen to rekindle any feelings that he may have had for her in the past.

The Sarnian Book 1: Dead in the Water

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A body on a beach, an impossible alibi and an unstoppable race against time!

Ella Brouard is a fictional character who appears in The Sarnian, the explosive adventure series in which the discovery of a dead body on one of Guernsey's most secluded beaches blows the lid on a world of intrigue and deceit.

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